Exhibition "Patterns"

Today, the second exhibition of works of art by Yulia Korshak (creative pseudonym - Yulayla Grays Laru) opened in our gallery. Ms. Yuliya was born in Kyiv region, now lives in Uzhhorod. Her talent for drawing appeared in early childhood.

In 2010, the author tried painting on suede, and this technique became her main one for a long time. In 2022, the artist continued her creative experiments, including painting on velor and velvet.

Ms. Yulia adores animals, and her daughter dreams of becoming a veterinarian. That is why the animal world often becomes the subject of her works. The artist not only depicts animals, but also carefully studies their life, habits, peculiarities of different breeds, and in addition, knows many interesting stories about the life of animals.

 The author participated in numerous collective exhibitions in Ukraine and abroad, her personal exhibitions were also held in many cities of Ukraine.

 Welcome to the exhibition!

